Monday, December 13, 2010

programming a robot,the most challengeous work

It will be really hard to manipulate a bulk of wire and running electrons to be programmed.

Today Robots are being used for a far more diverse series of
manufacturing processes that all require offline programming
Water Jet Cutting
Adhesive Layering
PowerMILL is the leading, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Axis milling software on the
market today. PowerMILL's robust and reliable machining
strategies can be used to program a robot as effectively as they
can be used to program a conventional milling machine. This
allows the users to rapidly take the existing CAD files of the part
and program the robot to machine the part, trim off the flash or
complete the next part of the manufacturing process. Once the
part has been programmed using any of PowerMILL’s machining
strategies the programs can be quickly simulated before set-up
sheets and post process tool paths are produced to send to the
In many of these applications Robots provide a significant cost /
performance advantage over conventional milling machines and
routers as the working envelope of robot is far larger than that of
a similarly priced machine tool or router. The configuration of a
robot also means that the robot can easily rotate to allow the
machining of a number of similar or different parts arranged
radially around the robot, making it possible to load and unload
parts as the robot continues to work. Robots flexiblity means that
the same robot can be used to load and unload parts as well as
machine, trim, weld, inspect, scan or glue a part.
Many Others
w w w . d e l c a m . c o m
Robots have revolutionised a huge variety of different manufacturing processes,
however the programming of robots has historically been a slow and labour intensive process. This was not a
problem when the robots were simply repeating many thousands of times a process that could be programmed
using either a manual teach and learn approach or using a specialist offline robot programming application.
However over time robots have become more flexible and the processes they have become involved in more
complex. This, tied to the desire to introduce more flexible production facilities has driven the need to use
modern CADCAM tools to quickly and easily program robots offline.

wiki will give u some more ideas

robot architecture

Mechanical robots are quite easy to design.but i dream of an ultramodernised and highly programmed robots that is really useful to mankind.Many universities of japan,usa etc are involved in this projects.The main factor to design a better robot is to have a better and powerful software to enbeeded in it.

A robot 'architecture' primarily refers to the software and hardware
framework for controlling the robot. A VME board running C code to
turn motors doesn't really constitute an architecture by itself. The
development of code modules and the communication between them begins
to define the architecture.

Robotic systems are complex and tend to be difficult to develop. They
integrate multiple sensors with effectors, have many degrees of
freedom and must reconcile hard real-time systems with systems which
cannot meet real-time deadlines [Jones93]. System developers have
typically relied upon robotic architectures to guide the construction
of robotic devices and for providing computational services (e.g.,
communications, processing, etc.) to subsystems and components. These
architectures, however, have tended thus far to be task and domain
specific and have lacked suitability to a broad range of applications.
For example, an architecture well suited for direct teleoperation
tends not to be amenable for supervisory control or for autonomous

One recent trend in robotic architectures has been a focus on
behavior-based or reactive systems. Behavior based refers to the fact
that these systems exhibit various behaviors, some of which are
emergent [Man92]. These systems are characterized by tight coupling
between sensors and actuators, minimal computation, and a
task-achieving "behavior" problem decomposition.

The other leading architectural trend is typified by a mixture of
asynchronous and synchronous control and data flow. Asychronous
processes are characterized as loosely coupled and event-driven
without strict execution deadlines. Synchronous processes, in
contrast, are tightly coupled, utilize a common clock and demand hard
real-time execution.

Subsumption/reactive references

Arkin, R.C., "Integrating Behavioral, Perceptual, and World Knowledge
in Reactive Navigation", Robotics & Autonomous Systems, 1990

Brooks, R.A., "A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot",
IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, March 1986.

Brooks, R.A., "A Robot that Walks; Emergent Behaviors from a Carefully
Evolved Network", Neural Comutation 1(2) (Summer 1989)

Brooks, Rod, "AI Memo 864: A Robust Layered Control System For a
Mobile Robot". Look in [3]

Brooks, Rod, "AI Memo 1227: The Behavior Language: User's Guide". look
in [4]

Connell, J.H., "A Colony Architecture for an Artificial Creature", MIT
Ph. D. Thesis in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1989.

Erann Gat, et al, "Behavior Control for Robotic Exploration of
Planetary Surfaces" To be published in IEEE R &A. FTPable.

Insect-based control schemes

Randall D. Beer, Roy E. Ritzmann, and Thomas McKenna, editors,
"Biological Neural Networks in Invertebrate Neuroethology and
Robotics", Academic Press, 1993.

Hillel J. Chiel, et al, "Robustness of a Distributed Neural Network
Controller for Locomotion in a Hexapod Robot," IEEE Transactions on
Robotics and Automation, 8(3):293-303, June, 1992.

Joseph Ayers and Jill Crisman, "Biologically-Based Control of
Omnidirectional Leg Coordination," Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.


(i.e., "traditional", "top-down", etc.)

Amidi, O., "Integrated Mobile Robot Control", CMU-RI-TR-90-17,
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1990.

Albus, J.S., McCain, H.G., and Lumia, R., "NASA/NBS Standard Reference
Model for Telerobot Control System Architecture (NASREM)" NIST
Technical Note 1235, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, July 1987.

Butler, P.L., and Jones, J.P., "A Modular Control Architecture for
Real-Time Synchronous and Asynchronous Systems", Proceedings of SPIE

Fong, T.W., "A Computational Architecture for Semi-autonomous Robotic
Vehicles", AIAA Computing in Aerospace conference, AIAA 93-4508, 1993.

Lin, L., Simmons, R., and Fedor, C., "Experience with a Task Control
Architecture for Mobile Robots", CMU-RI-TR 89-29, Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University, December 1989.

Schneider, S.A., Ullman, M.A., and Chen, V.W., "ControlShell: A
Real-time Software Framework", Real-Time Innovations, Inc., Sunnyvale,
CA 1992.

Stewart, D.B., "Real-Time Software Design and Analysis of
Reconfigurable Multi-Sensor Based Systems", Ph.D. Dissertation, 1994
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh. Available online at [6]
It's 180+ pages.

Stewart, D.B., M. W. Gertz, and P. K. Khosla, "Software Assembly for
Real-Time Applications Based on a Distributed Shared Memory Model", in
Proc. of the 1994 Complex Systems Engineering Synthesis and Assessment
Technology Workshop (CSESAW '94), Silver Spring, MD, pp. 217-224, July

You can see a simple robot architecture published on the link:,1,%20Robot%20Architecture

Friday, December 10, 2010

building an autonoumous robots

An automous  means working independtly

Autonomous robots are robots that can perform desired tasks in unstructured environments without continuous human guidance. Many kinds of robots have some degree of autonomy. Different robots can be autonomous in different ways. A high degree of autonomy is particularly desirable in fields such as space exploration, cleaning floors, mowing lawns, and waste water treatment.
Some modern factory robots are "autonomous" within the strict confines of their direct environment. It may not be that every degree of freedom exists in their surrounding environment, but the factory robot's workplace is challenging and can often contain chaotic, unpredicted variables. The exact orientation and position of the next object of work and (in the more advanced factories) even the type of object and the required task must be determined. This can vary unpredictably (at least from the robot's point of view).
One important area of robotics research is to enable the robot to cope with its environment whether this be on land, underwater, in the air, underground, or in space.
A fully autonomous robot has the ability to
  • Gain information about the environment.
  • Work for an extended period without human intervention.
  • Move either all or part of itself throughout its operating environment without human assistance.
  • Avoid situations that are harmful to people, property, or itself unless those are part of its design specifications.
An autonomous robot may also learn or gain new capabilities like adjusting strategies for accomplishing its task(s) or adapting to changing surroundings.
Autonomous robots still require regular maintenance, as do other machines

Examples of progress towards commercial autonomous robots

[edit] Self-maintenance

Exteroceptive sensors: 1. blue laser rangefinder senses up to 360 distance readings in a 180-degree slice; 2. 24 round golden ultrasonic sensors sample range readings in a 15-degree cone; 3. ten touch panels along the bottom detect shoes and other low-lying objects. 4. break beams between the lower and upper segments sense tables and other mid-level obstacles.
The first requirement for complete physical autonomy is the ability for a robot to take care of itself. Many of the battery powered robots on the market today can find and connect to a charging station, and some toys like Sony's Aibo are capable of self-docking to charge their batteries.
Self maintenance is based on "proprioception", or sensing one's own internal status. In the battery charging example, the robot can tell proprioceptively that its batteries are low and it then seeks the charger. Another common proprioceptive sensor is for heat monitoring. Increased proprioception will be required for robots to work autonomously near people and in harsh environments.
Robot GUI display showing battery voltage and other proprioceptive data in lower right-hand corner. The display is for user information only. Autonomous robots monitor and respond to proprioceptive sensors without human intervention to keep themselves safe and operating properly.
  • Common proprioceptive sensors are
Hall Effect

[edit] Sensing the environment

Exteroception is sensing things about the environment. Autonomous robots must have a range of environmental sensors to perform their task and stay out of trouble.
  • Common exteroceptive sensors are
Electromagnetic spectrum
Chemical sensors (smell, odor)
Range to things in the environment
Attitude (Inclination)
Some robotic lawn mowers will adapt their programming by detecting the speed in which grass grows as needed to maintain a perfect cut lawn, and some vacuum cleaning robots have dirt detectors that sense how much dirt is being picked up and use this information to tell them to stay in one area longer.

[edit] Task performance

The next step in autonomous behavior is to actually perform a physical task. A new area showing commercial promise is domestic robots, with a flood of small vacuuming robots beginning with iRobot and Electrolux in 2002. While the level of intelligence is not high in these systems, they navigate over wide areas and pilot in tight situations around homes using contact and non-contact sensors. Both of these robots use proprietary algorithms to increase coverage over simple random bounce.
The next level of autonomous task performance requires a robot to perform conditional tasks. For instance, security robots can be programmed to detect intruders and respond in a particular way depending upon where the intruder is.

[edit] Indoor position sensing and navigation

Robot interface GUI showing a robot building map with forbidden areas highlighted in yellow on the right side of the screen. Defined task sequences and goals are in the second column. Robots listed on the left side of the GUI can be selected by mouseclick. The selected robot will then travel to any location clicked in the map, unless it is in a forbidden area. (Courtesy of MobileRobots Inc)
For a robot to associate behaviors with a place (localization) requires it to know where it is and to be able to navigate point-to-point. Such navigation began with wire-guidance in the 1970s and progressed in the early 2000s to beacon-based triangulation. Current commercial robots autonomously navigate based on sensing natural features. The first commercial robots to achieve this were Pyxus' HelpMate hospital robot and the CyberMotion guard robot, both designed by robotics pioneers in the 1980s. These robots originally used manually created CAD floor plans, sonar sensing and wall-following variations to navigate buildings. The next generation, such as MobileRobots' PatrolBot and autonomous wheelchair[1] both introduced in 2004, have the ability to create their own laser-based maps of a building and to navigate open areas as well as corridors. Their control system changes its path on-the-fly if something blocks the way.
At first, autonomous navigation was based on planar sensors, such as laser range-finders, that can only sense at one level. The most advanced systems now fuse information from various sensors for both localization (position) and navigation. Systems such as Motivity can rely on different sensors in different areas, depending upon which provides the most reliable data at the time, and can re-map a building autonomously.
Rather than climb stairs, which requires highly specialized hardware, most indoor robots navigate handicapped-accessible areas, controlling elevators and electronic doors.[2] With such electronic access-control interfaces, robots can now freely navigate indoors. Autonomously climbing stairs and opening doors manually are topics of research at the current time.
As these indoor techniques continue to develop, vacuuming robots will gain the ability to clean a specific user specified room or a whole floor. Security robots will be able to cooperatively surround intruders and cut off exits. These advances also bring concommitant protections: robots' internal maps typically permit "forbidden areas" to be defined to prevent robots from autonomously entering certain regions.

[edit] Outdoor autonomous position-sensing and navigation

Outdoor autonomy is most easily achieved in the air, since obstacles are rare. Cruise missiles are rather dangerous highly autonomous robots. Pilotless drone aircraft are increasingly used for reconnaissance. Some of these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are capable of flying their entire mission without any human interaction at all except possibly for the landing where a person intervenes using radio remote control. But some drone aircraft are capable of a safe, automatic landing also.
Outdoor autonomy is the most difficult for ground vehicles, due to: a) 3-dimensional terrain; b) great disparities in surface density; c) weather exigencies and d) instability of the sensed environment.
The Seekur and MDARS robots demonstrate their autonomous navigation and security capabilities at an airbase. (Courtesy of MobileRobots Inc)
In the US, the MDARS project, which defined and built a prototype outdoor surveillance robot in the 1990s, is now moving into production and will be implemented in 2006. The General Dynamics MDARS robot can navigate semi-autonomously and detect intruders, using the MRHA software architecture planned for all unmanned military vehicles. The Seekur robot was the first commercially available robot to demonstrate MDARS-like capabilities for general use by airports, utility plants, corrections facilities and Homeland Security.[3]
The Mars rovers MER-A and MER-B (now known as Spirit rover and Opportunity rover) can find the position of the sun and navigate their own routes to destinations on the fly by:
  • mapping the surface with 3-D vision
  • computing safe and unsafe areas on the surface within that field of vision
  • computing optimal paths across the safe area towards the desired destination
  • driving along the calculated route;
  • repeating this cycle until either the destination is reached, or there is no known path to the destination
The planned ESA Rover, ExoMars Rover, is capable of vision based relative localisation and absolute localisation to autonomously navigate safe and efficient trajectorys to targets by:
  • reconstructing 3D models of the terrain surrounding the Rover using a pair of stereo cameras
  • determining safe and unsafe areas of the terrain and the general 'difficulty' for the Rover to navigate the terrain
  • computing efficient paths across the safe area towards the desired destination
  • driving the Rover along the planned path
  • building up a 'Navigation Map' of all past navigation data
The DARPA Grand Challenge and DARPA Urban Challenge have encouraged development of even more autonomous capabilities for ground vehicles, while this has been the demonstrated goal for aerial robots since 1990 as part of the AUVSI International Aerial Robotics Competition.

[edit] Open problems in autonomous robotics

There are several open problems in autonomous robotics which are special to the field rather than being a part of the general pursuit of AI.

[edit] Energy autonomy & foraging

Researchers concerned with creating true artificial life are concerned not only with intelligent control, but further with the capacity of the robot to find its own resources through foraging (looking for food, which includes both energy and spare parts).
This is related to autonomous foraging, a concern within the sciences of behavioral ecology, social anthropology, and human behavioral ecology; as well as robotics, artificial intelligence, and artificial life.


Robots on different pose

Omnibot17µ i-sobot from Takara Tomy

10th generation LCD glass substrate processing robot MOTOMAN-CDL 3000D from Yaskawa Electric



Among the different types of robots the most fascinating to me is the nano robots
Nano-of the size 10-9m its not only difficult to see but also impossible to imagine,its out of the boundary of the imagination ,dont u think so

Nanorobots are nanodevices that will be used for the purpose of maintaining and protecting the human body against pathogens. They will have a diameter of about 0.5 to 3 microns and will be constructed out of parts with dimensions in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers. The main element used will be carbon in the form of diamond / fullerene nanocomposites because of the strength and chemical inertness of these forms. Many other light elements such as oxygen and nitrogen can be used for special purposes. To avoid being attacked by the host’s immune system, the best choice for the exterior coating is a passive diamond coating. The smoother and more flawless the coating, the less the reaction from the body’s immune system. Such devices have been designed in recent years but no working model has been built so far.
The powering of the nanorobots can be done by metabolising local glucose and oxygen for energy. In a clinical environment, another option would be externally supplied acoustic energy. Other sources of energy within the body can also be used to supply the necessary energy for the devices. They will have simple onboard computers capable of performing around 1000 or fewer computations per second. This is because their computing needs are simple. Communication with the device can be achieved by broadcast-type acoustic signalling.
A navigational network may be installed in the body, with stationkeeping navigational elements providing high positional accuracy to all passing nanorobots that interrogate them, wanting to know their location. This will enable the physician to keep track of the various devices in the body. These nanorobots will be able to distinguish between different cell types by checking their surface antigens (they are different for each type of cell). This is accomplished by the use of chemotactic sensors keyed to the specific antigens on the target cells.
When the task of the nanorobots is completed, they can be retrieved by allowing them to exfuse themselves via the usual human excretory channels. They can also be removed by active scavenger systems. This feature is design-dependent.
Some possible applications using nanorobots are as follows:
  1. To cure skin diseases, a cream containing nanorobots may be used. It could remove the right amount of dead skin, remove excess oils, add missing oils, apply the right amounts of natural moisturising compounds, and even achieve the elusive goal of 'deep pore cleaning' by actually reaching down into pores and cleaning them out. The cream could be a smart material with smooth-on, peel-off convenience.
  2. A mouthwash full of smart nanomachines could identify and destroy pathogenic bacteria while allowing the harmless flora of the mouth to flourish in a healthy ecosystem. Further, the devices would identify particles of food, plaque, or tartar, and lift them from teeth to be rinsed away. Being suspended in liquid and able to swim about, devices would be able to reach surfaces beyond reach of toothbrush bristles or the fibres of floss. As short-lifetime medical nanodevices, they could be built to last only a few minutes in the body before falling apart into materials of the sort found in foods (such as fibre).
  3. Medical nanodevices could augment the immune system by finding and disabling unwanted bacteria and viruses. When an invader is identified, it can be punctured, letting its contents spill out and ending its effectiveness. If the contents were known to be hazardous by themselves, then the immune machine could hold on to it long enough to dismantle it more completely.
  4. Devices working in the bloodstream could nibble away at arteriosclerotic deposits, widening the affected blood vessels. Cell herding devices could restore artery walls and artery linings to health, by ensuring that the right cells and supporting structures are in the right places. This would prevent most heart attacks.

What on earth would man do with himself if something did not stand in his way? - H.G. Wells
To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. - Steve Prefontaine
Life is an adventure, and the worst of all fears is the fear of living. - Theodore Roosevelt
All it takes for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Martin Luther King Jr

From wikipedia
Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the still largely hypothetical nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots, devices ranging in size from 0.1-10 micrometers and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. As of 2010 nobody has yet built artificial non-biological nanorobots: they remain a hypothetical concept[citation needed]. The names nanobots, nanoids, nanites, nanomachines or nanomites have also been used to describe these hypothetical devices.
Another definition is a robot that allows precision interactions with nanoscale objects, or can manipulate with nanoscale resolution. Following this definition even a large apparatus such as an atomic force microscope can be considered a nanorobotic instrument when configured to perform nanomanipulation. Also, macroscale robots or microrobots that can move with nanoscale precision can also be considered nanorobots.
Nanomachines are largely in the research-and-development phase[1], but some primitive molecular machines have been tested. An example is a sensor having a switch approximately 1.5 nanometers across, capable of counting specific molecules in a chemical sample. The first useful applications of nanomachines, if such are ever built, might be in medical technology, which might use them to identify and destroy cancer cells. Another potential application is the detection of toxic chemicals, and the measurement of their concentrations, in the environment. Recently, Rice University has demonstrated a single-molecule car developed by a chemical process and including buckyballs for wheels. It is actuated by controlling the environmental temperature and by positioning a scanning tunneling microscope tip.
Nanorobotics theory
Since nanorobots would be microscopic in size, it would probably be necessary for very large numbers of them to work together to perform microscopic and macroscopic tasks. These nanorobot swarms, both those incapable of replication (as in utility fog) and those capable of unconstrained replication in the natural environment (as in grey goo and its less common variants), are found in many science fiction stories, such as the Borg nanoprobes in Star Trek and The Outer Limits episode The New Breed. The word "nanobot" (also "nanite", "nanogene", or "nanoant") is often used to indicate this fictional context and is an informal or even pejorative term to refer to the engineering concept of nanorobots.[citation needed] The word nanorobot is the correct technical term in the nonfictional context of serious engineering studies.[citation needed]
Some proponents of nanorobotics, in reaction to the grey goo scare scenarios that they earlier helped to propagate, hold the view that nanorobots capable of replication outside of a restricted factory environment do not form a necessary part of a purported productive nanotechnology, and that the process of self-replication, if it were ever to be developed, could be made inherently safe. They further assert that their current plans for developing and using molecular manufacturing do not in fact include free-foraging replicators.[2][3]

[edit] Approaches

[edit] Biochip

The joint use of nanoelectronics, photolithography, and new biomaterials provides a possible approach to manufacturing nanorobots for common medical applications, such as for surgical instrumentation, diagnosis and drug delivery.[4][5][6] This method for manufacturing on nanotechnology scale is currently in use in the electronics industry.[7] So, practical nanorobots should be integrated as nanoelectronics devices, which will allow tele-operation and advanced capabilities for medical instrumentation.[8][9]

[edit] Nubots

Nubot is an abbreviation for "nucleic acid robots". Nubots are synthetic robotics devices at the nanoscale. Representative nubots include the several DNA walkers reported by Ned Seeman's group at NYU, Nales Pierce's group at Caltech, John Reif's group at Duke University, Chengde Mao's group at Purdue, and Andrew Turberfield's group at the University of Oxford.

[edit] Positional nanoassembly

Nanofactory Collaboration[10], founded by Robert Freitas and Ralph Merkle in 2000, is a focused ongoing effort involving 23 researchers from 10 organizations and 4 countries that is developing a practical research agenda[11] specifically aimed at developing positionally-controlled diamond mechanosynthesis and a diamondoid nanofactory that would have the capability of building diamondoid medical nanorobots.

[edit] Bacteria based

This approach proposes the use of biological microorganisms, like the bacterium Escherichia coli.[12] Thus the model uses a flagellum for propulsion purposes. The use of electromagnetic fields are normally applied to control the motion of this kind of biological integrated device, but has limited applications.

[edit] Open technology

A document with a proposal on nanobiotech development using open technology approaches has been addressed to the United Nations General Assembly.[13] According to the document sent to the UN, in the same way that Open Source has in recent years accelerated the development of computer systems, a similar approach should benefit the society at large and accelerate nanorobotics development. The use of nanobiotechnology should be established as a human heritage for the coming generations, and developed as an open technology based on ethical practices for peaceful purposes. Open technology is stated as a fundamental key for such an aim.

[edit] Potential applications

[edit] Nanomedicine

Potential applications for nanorobotics in medicine include early diagnosis and targeted drug-delivery for cancer,[14][15][16], biomedical instrumentation[17] surgery,[18][19], pharmacokinetics[20] monitoring of diabetes,[21][22][23] and health care.[24]
In such plans, future medical nanotechnology is expected to employ nanorobots injected into the patient to perform work at a cellular level. Such nanorobots intended for use in medicine should be non-replicating, as replication would needlessly increase device complexity, reduce reliability, and interfere with the medical mission. Instead, medical nanorobots are posited to be manufactured in hypothetical, carefully controlled nanofactories in which nanoscale machines would be solidly integrated into a supposed desktop-scale machine that would build macroscopic products.[citation needed]
The most detailed theoretical discussion of nanorobotics, including specific design issues such as sensing, power communication, navigation, manipulation, locomotion, and onboard computation, has been presented in the medical context of nanomedicine by Robert Freitas. Some of these discussions remain at the level of unbuildable generality and do not approach the level of detailed engineering.

Robotics,robot engineering

Its a lovely work to work with robot,robotics -robot enginnering will be a precious subject to learn

Robotics Engineering at is a multi-disciplinary program involving the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science.
Your classes in Mechanical, and Electrical and Computer Engineering will help you learn to construct

Robotics Engineering: Become a Robotics Engineer in 5 Steps

Robotics Engineers design and maintain robots and create new applications for robots to use. At least a Bachelor of Science in Engineering is required to become a Robotics Engineer.

Step 1: Research Robotics Engineer Career Duties and Education

Robotics Engineers, also known as mechanical engineers, use the principles of mechanical, manufacturing and electrical engineering to design and test robots and its automated systems. They also develop new programs and applications for robots to use. Robotics Engineers work with their hands and possess a strong knowledge in math, engineering, computers and science that allows them to design and build these technological and complex robots. This work is accomplished through computer-aided design and drafting and computer-aided manufacturing systems. Robotics Engineers usually work as part of a team to provide budget proposals and quality reports to other staff members. Robotics Engineers must have at least a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.

Step 2: Prepare for a Robotics Engineering Education in High School

High school students pursuing a career as a Robotics Engineer should take advanced placement classes in computer science, physics and algebra, according to College Board, Students should also take computer-aided drafting and trigonometry. These courses will prepare students in what to expect in a college's demanding Engineering program. Entering a robotics competition provides educational experience in engineering that look good on a college admission application.

Step 3: Earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Students should enroll in an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Engineering program at their college of choice. Some of the courses that Robotics Engineering majors take include electrical theory, electronics, robotics theory, robotics laboratory, design and development, engineering and machine automation. Students in a Robotics Engineering program can specialize in mechanical, electrical, manufacturing or industrial engineering. Students earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with their chosen specialty.

Step 4: Find a Job as a Robotics Engineer

Graduates can find many job opportunities with manufacturing companies, military agencies and private organizations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The Society of Manufacturing Engineers,, has a Robotics and Motion Control Tech Group that offers helpful resources for Robotics Engineers.

Step 5: Advance Your Career

Robotics Engineers can advance their careers by going to graduate school and earning a Master of Science in Engineering with a robotics specialty. Robotics Engineers with a graduate degree can earn a higher salary and gain advancement within the company as senior operating engineers leading a research and design team

further reading at

what can robots do ulimately

You wonder what can robots do but i wonder what it can't ?and i hope mine question is quite tougher U.S.A has designed robots that helps and supports the u.s army force

Now lets read more on this sizziling hot cakes
Today, over one million household robots, and a further 1.1 million industrial robots, are operating worldwide. Robots are used to perform tasks that require great levels of precision or are simply repetitive and boring. Many also do jobs that are hazardous to people, such as exploring shipwrecks, helping out after disasters, studying other planets and defusing bombs or mines.
Robots are increasingly marching into our lives. In the future, robots will act as carers, medics, bionic enhancements, companions, entertainers, security guards, traffic police and even soldiers.

Domestic invasion

Despite the longevity of the robot concept, robotic butlers that roam our homes and relieve us from housework still seemed far from reality until very recently. Instead, the vast majority of robots worked in factories performing the industrial functions of brainless machines.
However, a combination of increased computing power and advances made in the field of artificial intelligence, or AI, have now made software smart enough to make robots considerably more useful.
A recent report published by the United Nations revealed that sales of domestic robots had tripled in a single year. What's more, they were well on their way to outstripping their industrial cousins.
While a large portion of the household robots were made up of robotic vacuum cleaners, mops, lawn mowers, pool cleaners, security bots and even robotic baby-rockers - the real boom was in entertainment robots.
Suddenly people were happy to pay for robots that had no specific functional value. Instead these bots, such as Sony's Aibo robotic dog and its robo-pups served as robo-pets and companions, rather than slaves.
This is partly because many domestic chores still pose a real challenge for robots, in terms of dexterity and intelligence, even with seemingly simple chores such as ironing.

Movers and shakers

Away from the domestic front, the modern bot can take many other forms. Some are even designed to change their form, such as shape-shifting tetrabots or self-cloning robots.
And while we often think of robots being humanoid, such as Honda's Asimo and Sony's Qrio, there is as much interest, if not more, in emulating other creatures like insects, lobsters, orang-utans, alligators, snakes and fish. A robot guard dragon has even been created.
Whether they have two legs, many legs, or no legs at all, considerable advances have been made in robot locomotion, including bipedal walking, rambling, crawling, rock-climbing, bouncing, slithering and swimming.
There are also wheeled bots that work as autonomous vehicles, such as the desert racers that compete in the DARPA Grand Challenge to be the fastest to cross a desert without any human control.

Robot wars

One area where even more advances in autonomy have been made is the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs. These are essentially remotely-controlled spy planes that are capable of flying themselves if they lose contact with their pilot. These planes can also be used to monitor forest fires. Some robots have even learnt to fly of their own accord.
The Pentagon has started arming some UAVs, making them capable of responding with firepower against aggressive attacks - so-called unmanned combat vehicles, or UCVs. Robots that act as battlefield spies have also been designed.
Also aiming to remove humans from dangerous situations are space agencies, such as NASA, who have developed many space exploration robots. For example, the robonaut is a remotely-operated robot, designed to perform dangerous space walks in the place of an astronaut.
In addition, NASA has already sent robotic rovers to Mars, developed robotic dirt scoopers, "flying eyes" and probes for interplanetary exploration and even sent droids off to try to explore asteroids. Space probes such as Huygens (which landed on Titan) and Russia's Venera 9 (which landed on Venus) are sometimes considered robots too.
And it's not just other planets that robots are good for exploring. Robotic submarines, also known as remotely operated vehicles, or ROVs, have now become important way of exploring the deep ocean or ice-capped waters, while heat resistant robots are now used to patrol and monitor the activity in volcanoes. A robotic rover has even been used to explore Egyptian pyramids.

Precision surgeons

Operating on the human body requires high skill but also great control, something robots can provide. The idea of robotic surgery prompted early fears of unsupervised robots let loose to operate, but the reality is that robots now assist surgeons to perform precision procedures.
The most successful of these is arguably the da Vinci robotic surgical system, which is used for keyhole surgery, to operate on anything from gall bladder removals and brain surgery to heart bypasses.

Robots may be of different types

Have you ever seen any robots that actually attracted you
follow me to see those wandering types of robots

i am pretty sure you would surprise to see those wonderful robots

Industrial Robots: Robots today are being utilized in a wide variety of industrial applications. Any job that involves repetitiveness, accuracy, endurance, speed, and reliability can be done much better by robots, which is why many industrial jobs that used to be done by humans are increasingly being done by robots. For example, for the past 30 years or thereabouts robots have progressively taken over the fully automated production lines of the automobile industry, wherein a chassis of a vehicle is transported along a conveyor belt and is welded, affixed, painted, and assembled by a succession of robot stations. Some of the other industrial jobs robots are performing are palletizing and packaging goods, dispensing jobs, laboratory applications, and robots that pick miniscule electronic components from trays or strips and accurately place them on printed circuit boards in the electronics industry.

Mobile Robots: Also known as Automated Guided Vehicles, or AGVs, these are used for transporting material over large sized places like hospitals, container ports, and warehouses, using wires or markers placed in the floor, or lasers, or vision, to sense the environment they operate in. An advanced form of the AGV is the SGV, or the Self Guided Vehicle, like PatrolBot Gofer, Tug, and Speci-Minder, which can be taught to autonomously navigate within a space, or do it by being given a map of the area. These robots have the ability of performing tasks that are non-sequential and non-repetitive in environments that are complex, hence are defined as intelligent robots.

Robots Used in Agriculture: Although the idea of robots planting seeds, ploughing fields, and gathering the harvest may seem straight out of a futuristic science fiction book, nevertheless there are several robots in the experimental stages of being used for agricultural purposes, such as robots that can pick apples, prune grapevines, transplant seedlings, and so on. In fact, there already is a type of robot that shears sheep in Australia.

Telerobots: These robots are used in places that are hazardous to humans, or are inaccessible or far away. A human operator located at a distance from a telerobot controls its action, which was accomplished with the arm of the space shuttle. Some other examples of telerobots are laparoscopic surgery being done with the help of a telerobot, or doctors using remotely located robots to communicate with their patients, which enables them to treat patients anywhere in the world. This has the potential of patients in remote places of the world, without adequate medical facilities, being able to consult doctors across the world, or even in the next town, and the doctors in turn having the ability to monitor them. Telerobots are also useful in nuclear power plants where they, instead of humans, can handle hazardous material or undertake operations potentially harmful for humans.

As is evident, telerobots are particularly useful for space exploration. Some of the applications in space that are on anvil are robots used for the maintenance of satellites, robotic arms for manufacturing in space, robots used for constructing space ships and space stations, and so on.

Telerobots are also being increasingly used for military purposes, for instance the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used for surveillance and also fire at targets. Some of them have even advanced to the level of having the ability to automatically make decisions like choosing the location to fly to, and deciding which enemy target to engage with. Many telerobots are being used by the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq to diffuse IEDs, or Improvised Explosive Devices. An Unmanned Ground Vehicle, or UGV, is on the anvil which can carry out military missions independently.

Service Robots: The Japanese are in the forefront in these types of robots. Essentially, this category comprises of any robot that is used outside an industrial facility, although they can be sub-divided into two main types of robots: one, robots used for professional jobs, and the second, robots used for personal use. Amongst the former type are the above mentioned robots used for military use, then there are robots that are used for underwater jobs, or robots used for cleaning hazardous waste, and the like.

Personal use robots are becoming more and more popular, with increased sophistication in Artificial Intelligence and with them becoming increasingly affordable, and are being seen in areas like caregiving, pet robots, house cleaning and entertainment. Although it is more expensive and difficult to make highly intelligent and sensitive machines, but service robots designed with minimal intelligence are already fairly common, such as the vacuum cleaning robots.

The creation of the amazing walking humanoid named Asimo gave the impetus for several others, such as the house-helping robot named Wakamaru, and Aibo, the robot dog. Then there are the popular robocon competitions held in Japan, with robots playing soccer or having fighting matches.

Another area where personal use robots are being introduced is in the care for the elderly. In countries where there are increasing numbers of the aged with comparatively fewer numbers of young people to provide them with care, due to low birth rate and increased longevity, such as is the case in Japan and a growing number of Western countries, robots are increasingly thought to be the answer. These robots are being designed to provide physical services such as carrying bedridden elderly people (or even the handicapped), or washing for them, and doing various other day-to-day tasks. And then there are robots being designed to provide mental services, such as offering the therapeutic effect of interacting with the often lonely elderly people.

Hence, as is evident, the trend is towards developing more and more sophisticated humanoid types of robots, with human-like physical features and intellectual abilities.

forward readings

modernisation on robots,

Today modern robots are so sensitive and powerful that the are uses in manufacturing electronics goods,reasearch in universe,even  surgery toos
u must have heard a rumour that japan is making robot fotball team much more powerful than brazilian team that means pele,ronaldo fans must worry

Today its japan in the scenario of this and he is being more and more superior
The Japanese craftsman Hisashige Tanaka (1799–1881), known as "Japan's Edison" or "Karakuri Giemon", created an array of extremely complex mechanical toys, some of which served tea, fired arrows drawn from a quiver, and even painted a Japanese kanji character.[13] In 1898 Nikola Tesla publicly demonstrated a radio-controlled torpedo.[14] Based on patents for "teleautomation", Tesla hoped to develop it into a weapon system for the US Navy.[15][16]
In 1926, Westinghouse Electric Corporation created Televox, the first robot put to useful work. They followed Televox with a number of other simple robots, including one called Rastus, made in the crude image of a black man. In the 1930s, they created a humanoid robot known as Elektro for exhibition purposes, including the 1939 and 1940 World's Fairs.[17][18] In 1928, Japan's first robot, Gakutensoku, was designed and constructed by biologist Makoto Nishimura.
The first electronic autonomous robots were created by William Grey Walter of the Burden Neurological Institute at Bristol, England in 1948 and 1949. They were named Elmer and Elsie. These robots could sense light and contact with external objects, and use these stimuli to navigate.[19]
The first truly modern robot, digitally operated and programmable, was invented by George Devol in 1954 and was ultimately called the Unimate. Devol sold the first Unimate to General Motors in 1960, and it was installed in 1961 in a plant in Trenton, New Jersey to lift hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine and stack them.[20]
Commercial and industrial robots are now in widespread use performing jobs more cheaply or with greater accuracy and reliability than humans. They are also employed for jobs which are too dirty, dangerous or dull to be suitable for humans. Robots are widely used in manufacturing, assembly and packing, transport, earth and space exploration, surgery, weaponry, laboratory research, and mass production of consumer and industrial goods.[21]

Then lets look at todays modern robots evolved from vinci
now lets meet some modern robots

In a 1939 Jam Handy film, Americans at the world fair were introduced to "Roll-Oh." A hulking, six-foot-seven behemoth, Roll-Oh was the robot servant of the future. He could vacuum the floor, cook dinner, and even answer the door. Such dreams were right around the corner in those days; certainly in the year 2000...
Well, proves we're running a little late. We haven't developed Roll-Oh yet, nor R2D2 or Robby either. This doesn't mean, however, that we're not working on the problem. Here's this year's edition of the real robots catalog:
Wakamaru: Meet the modern pal for the desperately lonely. Developed by the Japanese, god bless their neurotic little hearts, Wakka is almost as nebulously described as his price is: for the record,
"Wakamaru features continuous access to the Internet and comes equipped with voice and face recognition capabilities that allow the robot to search for and follow voices, faces, and movements. It has the ability to comprehend and interact with humans (such as discussing daily news it obtains via the Internet) based on a built-in dictionary and voice recognition, and can be programmed to call or email a designated person, a hospital or security firm if it notices a problem. When connecting remotely to Wakamaru via its built-in camera-equipped mobile phone, users can see images of the house the robot serves and even communicate with family members at home."
So, if I have this right, the thing rolls around looking for someone, then tries to talk to them about "The News of the Weird" on Yahoo. It is also a cordless phone. It has arms, but they can't actually do anything except wave them while it talks (according to the web site). All of this for $15,000; the price of a solid Hyundai Sonata. If there is such a thing as a solid Hyundai Sonata. Line forms to the right, folks...
Asimo: If a mechanical pest is worth 15 grand, then certainly a robot that can't do anything at all is priceless. You're looking at Asimo, Honda's robot-in progress. They're building this thing from the shell out, teaching it to walk, climb stairs, even dance... but apart from that, the thing is as dumb as a fireplug. It can recognize your face... but doesn't know what to do about it. It can follow your eye movement, or work out what you're pointing to... but doesn't really care. Eventually, Asimo may become the Roll-Oh of the future. It walks amazingly like it has piles, and it runs like it just pooped it's pants... but it can walk and run, which is sincerely groovy. All it's lacking is some kind of motivation. Right now, it's pretty much a Robosapien without portfolio.
Aibo: To be perfectly fair, robot dog Aibo does just about everything a real dog does. It fetches and follows and wags its tail.There's a few things it doesn't do, like poop or pee all over your house or give a damn about you. Perhaps not-so-surprisingly, there are growing numbers of people who find that the faux affection programmed into the little feller is a sufficcient substitute for the real thing. And a Labrador can't carry and play your MP3s, can it? So there you go. Look for this mecha-mutt starting at two thousand bucks.
Robomow: Now here's something a little more pragmatic for you. If you're not looking for love and companionship, you can take that two grand and sink it into a robotic lawnmowing system. You run some wire around the periphery of your lawn, press the "Go" button, and walk away until one of two things happen: 1) The machine finishes mowing your estate, at which point it returns to its charging station, or 2) Some neighborhood kid thinks its cool, and swoops down and steals it.
Robocleaner: Apartment bound? Well, then, how about a robot vacuum? Karcher's mecanical sucker system bounces around your apartment, sucking scum, and then returns to its charging station where it poops it out into a receptical you can empty in your kitchen trash can. Consider it an "Uber-Roomba," witrh the power needed to actually do some cleaning while it scurries through your pad. Of course, for fifteen hundred dollars, it damned well ought to do something.
Q-Taro: I just know you'd love to have one of these; only from the minds of the Japanese. The Sony Q-Taro is a big hamster ball that follows you around, keeps track of your temperature, and responds with different colors. It's a robotic mood ring, folks. Sadly, this isn't for sale to us westerners right now, so don't line up to beat the Christmas rush. I know you're disappointed.
Well, there you go - the state of the art in modern robotics, folks. It looks like we've still got a long, long way to go before the best minds of the 21st Century are able to surpass - or even match - the "quaint" dreams of the fifties and take on the duties of Roll-Oh.